Aired August 26, 2009, featuring Arnold Schoenberg's Erwartung, a monodrama (in German) about a woman wandering in a forest at night searching for her lover. To this nightmarish setting was added Howlin' Wolf (for a fairy-tale aspect), as well as several monstrous heavy metal anthems by The Muscle Bitches, Monster Magnet, and Anvil. Three different versions of the Willie Dixon-penned blues classic Evil were heard, as performed by Howlin Wolf, Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band, and Monster Magnet.
Part 1
1. Sonata Tragica - Blah Blah 666 -- The Wolf Talks 2 - Howlin Wolf
2. I'm the Wolf - Howlin' Wolf
3. Erwartung, Sc.III - Arnold Schoenberg (composer) / Ensemble InterContemporain
4. Cyclops Revolution - Monster Magnet
5. Naval Aviation in Art? - Frank Zappa
6. Evil - Howlin' Wolf
7. Mothra - Anvil
8. Erwartung, Sc.I - Arnold Schoenberg (composer) / Ensemble InterContemporain
9. Peek Through the Pines - Muscle Bitches -- The Wolf Talks 3 - Howlin' Wolf
Part 2
1. Dogs - Blah Blah 666 -- The Wolf Talks 1 - Howlin' Wolf
2. Evil - Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band
3. Erwartung, Sc.II - Arnold Schoenberg (composer) / Ensemble InterContemporain
4. 666 - Anvil
5. Erwartung, Sc.IV, pt.1 - Arnold Schoenberg (composer) / Ensemble InterContemporain
6. Balls To the Wall - Muscle Bithches (originally performed by Accept)
7. Erwartung, Sc.IV, pt.3 - Arnold Schoenberg (composer) / Ensemble InterContemporain
8. Evil - Monster Magnet
9. Cielito Lindo - Blah Blah 666
10. Wolf At Your Door - Howlin' Wolf
Sunday, August 30, 2009
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