Sunday, January 17, 2010

Industrial Sabotage

No. 57, January 13, 2010.

Featured text was Issue no. 62 of Industrial Sabotage, a long-running experimental poetry organ published by Ottawa's jwcurry on his Curvd H&z imprint (#458, 2006). Also read David UU's Elemental Journey (Curvd H&z #444, 1999).

Part 1

1. Crunch Time - Ripcordz
2. Naval Aviation in Art? - Frank Zappa
3. Geneve - Raking Bombs
4. L'arbre de Borobudur - Gilles Tremblay -- Industrial Sabotage 62 (see list of individual poems below)

Part 2

1. Blood On The Floor - Ripcordz
2. Nettle Bed - Soft Machine -- Elemental Journey - David UU
3. Technocratic Manipulators - Voivod
4. Give a Man a Saxaphone and He'll End Up Playing Jazz - Stefan Jaworzyn & Alan Wilkinson
5. Sailing - Ripcordz
6. Batman - Voivod

The following poems were read during L'arbre de Borobudur in Part 1:

Stereoville / lexa red an mass a fear - Sam Andreyev
Stoma 1351 / Stoma 1337: box pome- lost - Guy R. Beining
15 circus storeez - bill bissett
"somewhere blue ice is growing" - b. a. carver
.02.08.03 crow / . - Judith Copithorne
Due To The Success Of The Tonsilectomy / A Short History Of The Rebellion
The Taint / stuck in the back - David Fijino
37 RUE DE LA BOUCHERIE - Hans Jewinski
THE LAST CEDER (back in the daze) - Billy Little
the bell-wether - Michael Mann

For more information about Curvd H&z publications, write to:

#302-880 Somerset Street West
Ottawa, Canada K1R 6R7

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